2023. December 01.

Wages and taxes in Hungary 2024

We have summarized the amount of minimum wages and taxes for the financial year 2024 within the classical labour relations.

Wages and Taxes in Hungary 2024

From the 1st of December, 2023 the gross amount of the minimum wage for full-time workers in Hungary is 266 800 HUF while the minimum guaranteed salary is the following: 326 000 HUF 

  Hourly rate Daily rate Weekly rate Monthly Rate
Minimum wage 1 534 Ft  12 270 Ft  61 340 Ft  266 800 Ft 
Minimum guaranteed salary 1 874 Ft  14 990 Ft  74 950 Ft  326 000 Ft 

Taxes paid by the employers and emloyees 

  • 13 % social contribution tax paid by the employers
If your company uses pensionary or student agency services it will be dispensed from this tax.

Taxes paid by the employees from the gross wages in classical labour relations:

  • 15% income tax
  • 18,5% social insurance contribution